Sonya Hoadley Mrs. Treasure Vally posted this on her personal blog at www.sonyahoadley.blogspot.com. here is whas she had to say.
National Education Association annually sponsors Read Across America. Now in its twelfth year, the program focuses on motivating children to read, in addition to helping them master basic skills.The nationwide reading celebration takes place each year on or near March 2, the birthday of Dr. Seuss. Across the country, thousands of schools, libraries, community centers, and more participate by bringing together kids and books, and you can too!Your reading event can be as simple or elaborate as time and inclination allow. Whether you choose to scale up or down, keep in mind the basic premise and it's almost sure to be a success:On March 2, the National Education Association is calling for every child to be reading in the company of a caring adult.As a NEA member and someone who LOVES Dr. Seuss, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to organize a read-in. We ate green deviled eggs, red Swedish fish, and read Dr. Seuss until we couldn't handle any more rhyming! What a wonderful way to promote the joys of reading!
Posted by Mandi Feely Mrs. Idaho State Director