Today Tammy Nichols Mrs. Middleton emailed me and here is what she told me about The Middleton Unpluged Event:
The city of Middleton dedicated the month of March for Middleton Unplugged. The purpose of Middleton Unplugged was to "unplug" your family and yourself and "plug" back into each other and to take the month of March and reconnect as a family. Each day of the month had suggested activities or local events for everyone to participate in that did not involve any electronic devices.These are some pictures of me participating in the Middleton Unplugged community carnival that was held on March 28th at one of our local elementary schools. There were several different activity booths for the the kids. My family was in-charge of 2 booths, balloon darts and hula hooping. There were numerous people and children that came and everyone had a great time. I was in charge of the dart booth and had many opportunities to talk with those who attended as well as to pose for some pictures.Thanks,Tammy
Posted by Mandi Feely Idaho State Director