Friday, December 18, 2009

Bonaventure Retirement Home in Idaho Falls

I received this email from Natasha Mrs. Eastern Idaho, here is what she had to say:

Ellon Mrs. Rexburg and I went to the Bonaventure Retirement home in Idaho Falls Saturda. Ellon, her friend Melanie, and I shared a few Christmas songs. Then our kids won them over with a couple songs of their own. I love visiting with those that have had years of experience. We asked about some of their Christmas traditions and a sweet women shared a fun one from her childhood. She said every Christmas her dad would dissapear to go milk the cow in the barn and while he was gone Santa would come and they had to sing for him. Santa would leave and then her Dad would return and they would tell him what he missed out on. It was very cute. We had a great time and the sweet little ladies we met were great!
Posted by Mandi Feely