Sonya just emailed me about her 2nd grades project with Flat Stanley here is what she told me:
In my classroom we have started the "Flat Stanley" project. Flat Stanley is a book by Jeff Brown and in the story the little boy gets flattened out and is able to travel all around in an envelope! Our class gets to decorate their own Flat Stanley's and send him
to work with their parents, to friends or relatives across the US, or just to interesting people they know. I got an exciting package in the mail yesterday from another school in Boise... it was a Flat Stanley that wanted to hang out with MRS. TREASURE VALLEY! Since my class is doing the same project, I brought him to my school and showed my students. Our classroom's Flat Stanley got to meet the "Boise Flat Stanley" and we had a great time filling out his journal. For more information on the Flat Stanley Project, please visit http://www.flatstanleyproject.com/.
Mrs. Hoadley AKA: Mrs. Treasure Valley
Posted by Mandi Feely Idaho State Director